Animation Family Comedy Adventure
During an ordinary day in Hundred Acre Wood, Winnie the Pooh sets out to find some honey. Misinterpreting a note from Christopher Robin, Owl convinces Pooh, Tigger, Rabbit, Piglet, Kanga, Roo, and Eeyore that their young friend has been captured by a creature named "Backson" and they set out to rescue him.
Directed by
Stephen J. Anderson, Don Hall
Zooey Deschanel
Tom Kenny
Rabbit (voice)
John Cleese
Narrator (voice)
Jim Cummings
Winnie the Pooh / Tigger (voice)
Craig Ferguson
Owl (voice)
Travis Oates
Piglet (voice)
Bud Luckey
Eeyore (voice)
Paul Briggs
Eric Goldberg
Jack Boulter
Christopher Robin (voice)
Huell Howser
Backson (voice)
Wyatt Dean Hall
Roo (voice)

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