Crime Animation Drama
Penguins Behind Bars is an Adult Swim special, adapted from the graphic novel of the same name by Janet Perlman, that aired only once on July 20th 2003. The Short follows Doris Fairfeather, a female penguin who is framed for robbery by her boyfriend and sent to an all-girl prison.
Directed by
Janet Perlman
Written by
Derek Lamb, Janet Perlman
Lili Taylor
Doris Fairfeather
Alberta Watson
Sonja Ball
Oily Doily Valdeez
Dan Lett
District Attorney
Maria Vacratsis
The Warden
Patricia Gage
Matron Ruffwater
Patricia Collins
Mad’m Millie
Catherine Fitch
Craig Francis
Mike the Lawyer
Richard Clarkson
Charlie Abaloney

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