Action Adventure Sci-Fi
Kamen Rider Para-DX is the second Televi-Kun Hyper Battle DVD for Kamen Rider Ex-Aid. It features the exclusive appearance of the Gashat game Knock Out Fighter 2. Emu Hojo and Parado are challenged to play New Kuroto Dan's game Nazo Toki Labyrinth! In this super-cooperative play they need to solve the mystery hidden in the labyrinth and rescue the captured Poppy! Can they do it?! And how will this plot be linked to Kamen Rider Ex-Aid Trilogy: Another Ending?!
Directed by
Nobuhiro Suzumura
Written by
Yuya Takahashi
Katsuyuki Konishi
Hatena Bugster (Voice)
Ruka Matsuda
Poppy Pipopapo
Tetsuya Iwanaga
Kuroto Dan
Shouma Kai
Parado / Kamen Rider Para-DX
Hiroki Iijima
Emu Hojo / Kamen Rider Ex-Aid

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