Comedy Romance
The day she turns 40, Marguerite Flora, a successful rep for a nuclear power company, begins receiving letters she'd sent to herself at age seven. The letters tell her what to do if her life hasn't turned out the way she thought it should, when she was living in poverty with her mother and brother in a small village in southern France. She decides to go back to her birthplace to get the lawyer to stop the letters, but also to visit her childhood sweetheart and her long-forgotten brother, in order to find peace within herself.
Directed by
Yann Samuell
Written by
Yann Samuell
Sophie Marceau
Margaret / Marguerite
Marton Csokas
Jonathan Zaccaï
Alexis Michalik
L'assistant de Margaret
Michel Duchaussoy
Juliette Chappey
Marguerite Flore enfant
Thierry Hancisse
Clara Guipont
Voisine restaurant
Emmanuelle Grönvold
De Lorca
Franck Adrien
Employé hall
Christopher Tram
Déborah Marique
La maman de Marguerite
Caroline Derrien
Working Girl
Emmanuel LeMire
Le papa de Marguerite
Roméo Lebeaut
Philibert Bakary enfant
Jérémie Chaplain
Serveur restaurant
Bernard Gerland
Vieux monsieur
Jarod Legrand
Mathieu enfant
Raphaël Devedjian
Jacky Ribault
Agent sécurité
Anne Robert
Mireille Séguret
Madame Vernier
Henri Bourgon
Joueur pétanque
Virginie Robert
Mère adolescent

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