Drama Romance
The tale of the cigarette-maker Carmen and the Spanish cavalry soldier Don Jose is translated into a modern-day story of a parachute factory worker and a stalwart GI named Joe who is about to go to flying school. Conflict arises when a prize-ring champ captures the heart of Carmen after she has seduced Joe and caused him to go AWOL.
Directed by
Otto Preminger
Harry Belafonte
Diahann Carroll
Brock Peters
Sergeant Brown
Dorothy Dandridge
Carmen Jones
Bernie Hamilton
Roy Glenn
Rum Daniels
Pearl Bailey
Nick Stewart
Dink Franklin
Madame Sul-Te-Wan
Hagar – Carmen's Grandmother (Uncredited)
Joe Adams
Husky Miller
Olga James
Cindy Lou
Marilyn Horne
Carmen Jones (voice)
Le Vern Hutcherson
Joe (voice)
Marvin Hayes
Husky Miller (voice)
John Indrisano

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