Family Animation Fantasy TV Movie
As Geppetto prepares for Christmas, Pinocchio joins a puppet show to earn money for a present. There he meets and elopes with the beautiful girl puppet, Julietta, leaving Geppetto alone and worried.
Directed by
Jules Bass, Arthur Rankin, Jr.
Written by
Romeo Muller
Alan King
Maestro Fire-Eater (voice)
Bob McFadden
Cricket (voice)
Allen Swift
Fox (voice)
George S. Irving
Geppetto (voice)
Todd Porter
Pinocchio (voice)
Ray Owens
Butler (voice)
Patricia Bright
Julietta (voice)
Diane Leslie
Gerry Matthews
Tiffany Blake
Child (voice)
Carl Tramon
Child (voice)
Alice Gayle
Child (voice)

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