Drama Comedy
Northern Soul is filmed in the style of a mock documentary and tells the story of Mark Sherbet, a lonely young man who is obsessed with American wrestling. His dream is to become a professional wrestler and compete against his heroes on the British wrestling circuit. There’s only one problem, he weighs nine stone and has the pain threshold of a two year old child.
Directed by
Shane Meadows
Written by
Toby Kebbell, Shane Meadows
Toby Kebbell
Mark Sherbert
Jo Hartley
Jo Sherbert
Jordan Dodd
Neal Dodd
Paula Dodd
David Coutts
Wrestling Organiser
Greg Killmarsh
Wrestler (Rainz) as Glyn Wood
David Browne
Ring Announcer
Diane Toolin
Fancy Dress Owner
Teresa Chaplain
Shop Assistant

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