Action Adventure Sci-Fi
Taking place 4 years after the events of the Uchu Sentai Kyuranger TV series, the universe is at peace. But that changes when Hammie (Chameleon Green) attacks the Rebellion and steals the newly developed Neo Kyutama! Fearing its possible misuse once it falls into the wrong hands, Space Federation President Tsurugi Ohtori (Houou Soldier) declares Hammie wanted all across the universe. Lucky (Shishi Red) and some of the Kyurangers believe in Hammie, fighting against Tsurugi's decision, causing a rift amongst the Kyurangers. And where do Space Sheriff Gavan and Space Sheriff Shaider fit onto all this?
Directed by
Koichi Sakamoto
Written by
Nobuhiro Mouri
Ayame Misaki
Hiroshi Kamiya
Shou Ronpo / Ryu Commander (Voice)
Kazuya Nakai
Garu / Ookami Blue (Voice)
Akio Otsuka
Champ / Oushi Black (Voice)
Yuki Ono
Balance / Tenbin Gold (voice)
Mao Ichimichi
Raptor 283 / Washi Pink (Voice)
Yuma Ishigaki
Geki Jumonji / Space Sheriff Gavan Type-G
Kenji Akabane
Jiraiya (voice)
Yuko Takayama
Kimiko Naruse
Sakurako Okubo
Hammie / Chameleon Green
Takumi Kizu
Lucky / Shishi Red
Taiki Yamazaki
Naga Ray / Hebitsukai Silver
Yuka Hirata
Keisuke Minami
Tsurugi Ohtori / Houou Soldier
Hiroaki Iwanaga
Shu Karasuma / Space Sheriff Shaider
Satomi Hirose
Yosuke Kishi
Stinger / Sasori Orange
Masayuki Deai
Mitsuru Karahashi
Juzo Fuwa
Shota Taguchi
Kotaro Sakuma / Koguma Skyblue
Kei Hosogai
Basco ta Jolokia
Tetsuji Sakakibara
Spada / Kajiki Yellow
Sakura Miyajima

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