Comedy Crime
After another successful con, two reasonably experienced con-men - Richard and Harry, - come to a conclusion that this has become too easy and even boring and they decide to expand their horizons.
Directed by
Kaspars Marhlevičs
Kaspars Marhlevičs
Harijs Robertsons
Mariss Kaminskis
Ričards Adamss
Edgars Sondors
Daniels Braiss
Mārtiņš Emīls Voļskis
Alberts Barons
Sebastians Plaudis
Ēriks Ziemelis
Kristers Toms Losāns
Krišjānis Rapa
Antis Antons Viņķelis
Māra Ulme
Maija Robertsone

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