Animation Comedy Family
E.B., the Easter Bunny's teenage son, heads to Hollywood, determined to become a drummer in a rock 'n' roll band. In L.A., he's taken in by Fred after the out-of-work slacker hits E.B. with his car.
Directed by
Tim Hill
James Marsden
Kaley Cuoco
Samantha O'Hare
Gary Cole
Henry O'Hare
Hugh Laurie
E.B.'s Dad (voice)
Elizabeth Perkins
Bonnie O'Hare
David Hasselhoff
David Hasselhoff
Hank Azaria
Carlos / Phil (voice)
Russell Brand
E.B (voice)
Hugh Hefner
Voice at Playboy Mansion (voice)
Tiffany Espensen
Alex O'Hare
Chelsea Handler
Mrs. Beck
Robbie Tucker
Kid#1 (uncredited)
Crystal the Monkey
Monkey (uncredited)
Rick Pasqualone
Utility Voice
Veronica Alicino
Dustin Ybarra
Django Marsh
Young E.B. (voice)
Coleton Ray
Young Fred
Jimmy Carter
Blind Boys of Alabama
Greg Lewis
G. Grant Jewett
Tom Roach

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