Comedy Romance
Mr. Schmidt's costume store is bankrupt because he spends his time on Rube Goldberg-style inventions; the creditors send a young manager who falls for Schmidt's niece Louise, but she'll have none of him. Schmidt's friends Ted, Queenie, and some goofy firemen try to help out; things come to a slapstick head when Louise needs rescuing from a fire.
Directed by
Benjamin Stoloff
Written by
Rube Goldberg, Lou Breslow
Billy Bletcher
Revolutionary (uncredited)
Dorothy Vernon
Junior's Mother (uncredited)
Moe Howard
Mack Swain
First Fat Diner (uncredited)
Billy Barty
Junior (uncredited)
Charles Winninger
Otto Schmidt
Bobby Barber
Revolutionary (uncredited)
Hallam Cooley
Mr. D. Quincy Throckmorton
Stanley Smith
Richard Carlson
Lois Moran
Lucile Browne
Louise - Otto's Niece
Shemp Howard
Larry Fine
Leo White
Husband with Cake (uncredited)
Ted Healy
Ted 'Teddy'
Heinie Conklin
Ted's Checkers Opponent (uncredited)
Robert Milasch
Revolutionary (uncredited)
Clifford Dempsey
General Avocado (uncredited)
Roscoe Ates
Pants Presser at Al's Tailor Shop (uncredited)
Jimmy Aubrey
Revolutionary (uncredited)
William H. Tooker
Ferguson - Carlson's Lawyer (uncredited)
Frances McCoy
George Bickel
Gustav 'Gus' Klein
Fred Sanborn
Mute Fireman
Ralph Elmer
Billy Engle
Revolutionary (uncredited)
Rube Goldberg
Rube Goldberg - Opening Mail at the Yodel Inn (uncredited)

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