Romance Drama
Richard, a millionaire in love with his secretary, Diane, is dispirited when his wife refuses to divorce him. Concerned that Diane will now lose interest, Richard offers her an all-expense-paid cruise to Argentina so that she can think it over. While traveling, however, Diane falls in love with fellow traveler Mike. She resolves to come clean to Richard, but upon return she becomes conflicted when she finds out he was able to get divorced after all.
Directed by
Clarence Brown
Ward Bond
Ship Steward (uncredited)
Joan Crawford
Diane Lovering
Akim Tamiroff
Pablo, the Ranch Chef
Mickey Rooney
Boy Shipboard Swimmer (uncredited)
Clark Gable
Michael 'Mike' Bradley
Otto Kruger
Richard I. Field
Edward LeSaint
S.S. Official (uncredited)
Delmar Watson
Boy Shipboard Swimmer (uncredited)
Una O'Connor
Amy, Diane's Maid
Phillips Smalley
S.S. Official (uncredited)
Frank Puglia
Cafe Headwaiter (uncredited)
Nora Cecil
Edith (uncredited)
Gladden James
Tribune Reporter (uncredited)
Grace Hayle
Edith's Friend (uncredited)
William Stack
James (uncredited)
George Humbert
Felix (uncredited)
Louis Natheaux
Steward (uncredited)
Stuart Erwin
John L. 'Johnnie' Smith
Gino Corrado
Cafe Waiter (uncredited)
Hooper Atchley
S.S. Official (uncredited)
Sam Flint
Gun Repair Clerk (uncredited)
Marjorie Gateson
Mrs. Louise Field
Chris-Pin Martin
Peón (uncredited)
Kendall McComas
Boy Fishing (uncredited)
Lloyd Whitlock
Hotel Desk Clerk (uncredited)
Gordon De Main
S.S. Official (uncredited)
Colin Chase
Photographer (uncredited)
Lee Phelps
Ship's Bartender (uncredited)
Wade Boteler
Max (uncredited)
Tommy Bupp
Boy Fishing on Dock (uncredited)
Paul Porcasi
Mr. Piazza (uncredited)
August Tollaire
Chess Player (uncredited)
Francis X. Bushman Jr.
Gun Salesman (uncredited)
Ernie Alexander
Deck Steward with Food Cart (uncredited)
Theresa Maxwell Conover
Miss Roberts (uncredited)
Nick Copeland
Roy (uncredited)
Tom Mahoney
Henry (uncredited)
Edmund Mortimer
Ship's Passenger (uncredited)
Franklin Parker
Bryant (uncredited)
Adrian Rosley
Emil (uncredited)

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