Adventure Comedy Crime Action Mystery
When a series of murders occur in Kanghwa Island, Detective K and his partner are once again called upon to solve the case. Along the way, he teams up with a beautiful woman with amnesia and together they discover Vampire bite marks on all the bodies. As they investigate further, they realize that the woman is somehow closely connected to the deaths.
Directed by
Kim Sok-yun
Written by
Lee Nam-kyu, Jo Eun-i, Han Jeung-ae
Kim Ji-won
Kim Bum
Chang Ryul
Choi Jae-kyung
Lee Min-ki
Hyun Woo
Crown Prince
Kim Myung-min
Kim Min
Oh Dal-su
Han Seo-pil
Ahn Nae-sang
Bang Hyo-in
Kim Jung-hwa
Choi Jae-hee
Woo Hyeon
Mr. Bang
Park Keun-hyong
Kim Shin
Nam Sung-jin
Bae Yong-geun
Yoon Sang-hoon
Young Kim Shin

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