Action Thriller
Three Federal agents go in search of gold supposedly hidden by Quantrell during the Civil War after they are suspended by a corrupt official for excessive force during a drug raid. Meanwhile a drug lord hires a hit woman to kill the three for interfering with his operations.
Directed by
Christian Drew Sidaris
Written by
Christian Drew Sidaris, Wess Rahn
Julie Strain
Jewel Panther
Kym Malin
Cowboy's Hostess
Suzi Simpson
Becky Midnite
Rodrigo Obregón
Bruce Penhall
Chris Cannon
Mark Barriere
Mark Austin
Tanquil Lisa Collins
Ava Noble
Alan Abelew
Tom Abbott
Ron Browning
Stacy Lynn Brown
Dancer #1
Angela Wright
Dancer #2
Carl Weatherly
Confederate Lieutenant
Don Primrose Jr.
Confederate Sergeant
Cassidy Phillips
Thug #1
Chris Barnette
Thug #2
Sherrie Nelson
Woman in Restaurant
Adam Bernard
Federal Agent
Bridgette Wilder
Agency Secretary
Richard Frederick

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