Comedy Drama Sci-Fi
A tale of twin girls, Dóra and Lili, who are born in 1880 Budapest at the same moment Thomas Edison presents his electric lightbulb to the world. The sisters are soon orphaned and separated in childhood, and follow different paths: one grows up to be a naïvely idealistic, bomb-toting anarchist, the other a pampered, hedonistic courtesan. Their paths cross once again on the Orient Express on New Year s Eve 1899...
Directed by
Ildikó Enyedi
Written by
Ildikó Enyedi
Paulus Manker
Weininger Ottó
Oleg Yankovskiy
Dorota Segda
Gábor Máté
Péter Andorai
Thomas Edison
Sándor Czvetkó
Anarchista fiú
Gyula Kéry
Sándor Téri
Endre Koronczi
Lift boy

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