Animation Family TV Movie Comedy
In this animated musical version of Charles Dickens' "A Christmas Carol", Ebenezer Scrooge - via Mr. Magoo's starring performance in a stage production of the classic - doesn't have a ghost of a chance unless he learns the true meaning of Christmas from the three spirits who haunt him one Christmas Eve.
Directed by
Abe Levitow
Royal Dano
Marley's Ghost (voice)
Jim Backus
Mr. Quincy Magoo / Ebenezer Scrooge (voice)
Jack Cassidy
Bob Cratchit (voice)
Les Tremayne
Ghost of Christmas Present (voice)
Morey Amsterdam
Brady / James (voice)
Paul Frees
Stage Director / Charity Man / Fezziwig / Eyepatch Man / Tall Tophat Man (voice)
John Hart
Billings / Stage Manager / Milkman (voice)
Jane Kean
Belle (voice)
Joan Gardner
Tiny Tim / Ghost of Christmas Past (voice)
Marie Matthews
Young Scrooge (voice)
Laura Olsher
Mrs. Cratchit (voice)

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