Comedy Romance
Best friends since they were kids, Rabbi Jacob Schram and Father Brian Finn are dynamic and popular young men living and working on New York's Upper West Side. When Anna Reilly, once their childhood friend and now grown into a beautiful corporate executive, suddenly returns to the city, she reenters Jake and Brian's lives and hearts with a vengeance. Sparks fly and an unusual and complicated love triangle ensues.
Directed by
Edward Norton
Jenna Elfman
Anna Riley
Ben Stiller
Rabbi Jake Schram
Lisa Edelstein
Ali Decker
Edward Norton
Father Brian Finn
Eli Wallach
Rabbi Ben Lewis
Rena Sofer
Rachel Rose
Dagmara Dominczyk
Brian George
Paulie Chopra, the Sikh Catholic Muslim with Jewish in-laws who owns an Irish Pub
Ken Leung
Holland Taylor
Bonnie Rose
Ron Rifkin
Larry Friedman
Bodhi Elfman
Howard the Casanova
Anne Bancroft
Ruth Schram
Marilyn Cooper
'Don't Walk' Lady
Juan Piedrahita
Stephanie Finochio
Santi Formosa
Basketball Kid #2

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