Drama Comedy Romance
Nicholas is the eldest son of a wealthy suburban family, whose businesswoman mother makes deals from a helicopter and has an affair with her business partner. His cheerful, alcoholic father, on the other hand, is reduced to a prisoner in his room with his devoted dog and electric train set. Unbeknownst to his parents, Nicholas works as a window cleaner and dish washer in a Parisian cafe. He is also in love with the daughter of another cafe's owner, who, however, has an abusive boyfriend. One night, Nicholas sneaks a few drunken drifters into his family wine cellar and his father unexpectedly takes a liking to the stranger.
Directed by
Otar Iosseliani
Written by
Otar Iosseliani
Éva Ionesco
hooker (uncredited)
Mathieu Amalric
a drinker at bar
Mathieu Demy
Philippe Bas
Moto Driver
Joachim Salinger
Amiran Amiranashvili
Mirabelle Kirkland
Nico Tarielashvili
Lily Lavina
Stephanie Hainque
Une fille au bar
Narda Blanchet
old lady
Yannick Carpentier
Anne-Marie Eisenschitz
Fanny Gonin
Alix de Montaigu

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