Thriller Drama Horror
Shizuka is the aristocratic wife of the president of a large company. When she wants to divorce her domineering husband, he orders his employee Yoshi, the son of an adult toy store owner, to train his wife to become sexually submissive.
Directed by
Masaru Konuma
Naomi Tani
Shizuko Tôyama(遠山静子)
Hiroko Fuji
Miyo Katagiri(片桐美代)
Akira Takahashi
Bondage Master (緊縛師)
Kōji Yashiro
Nagatoshi Sakamoto
Senzô Tôyama(遠山千造)
Yasuhiko Ishizu
Makoto Katagiri(片桐誠)
Setsuko Ōyama
Kiyoshi Abe
Willie Dorsey
Hiroyuki Mikawa
Toshihiko Oda
Haruhiko Sugawara

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