Action Thriller
A daring prison break from an airliner at 30,000 feet leaves U.S. Marshal Pete Nessip mourning a brother and gunning for revenge. After being ordered to turn in his badge, he seeks out Jessie Crossman, a noted skydiver, and offers to sponsor her crew for the annual Independence Day parachuting show in Washington, D.C., if she trains him. Meanwhile, the mastermind behind the mid-air jailbreak is planning a daring computer theft on Independence Day.
Directed by
John Badham
Wesley Snipes
Pete Nessip
Gary Busey
Ty Moncrief
Kyle Secor
Yancy Butler
Jessie Crossmann
Robert LaSardo
Deputy Dog
Rex Linn
Grace Zabriskie
Michael Jeter
Earl Leedy
Malcolm-Jamal Warner
Terry Nessip
Clark Johnson
Bob Covington
Keith MacKechnie
Night Desk Sergeant
Vince Cecere
Special Agent Jones (uncredited)
Corin Nemec
'Selly' Selkirk
Kimberly Scott
Andy Romano
Tom McCracken
Sam Hennings
Ed Amatrudo
Detective Fox
Steve Raulerson
Commander Dejaye
Mickey Jones
Luca Bercovici
Don Jagger
Anthony Giaimo
Head Jump Official (uncredited)
Ron Kuhlman
DEA Guard
Claire Stansfield
Doc Duhame
Lexie Bigham
Big Man Passenger
Al Israel
Schuster Stephens
Vic Stagliano
Convict (uncredited)
Charles Boswell
Glenn Blackstone
Steve DuMouchel
Walsh Matthews
Rick Zieff
Mike Milton
Dale Swann
747 Captain
Tim Powell
Gordon Maples
Keith Leon Williams
747 Flight Engineer
Gary Rodriguez
Paramedic (uncredited)
Natalie Jordan
A.J. Ross
J.P. Patrick
Jump Master
D.D. Howard
Jerry Tondo
DEA Guard
Jan Speck
Flight Attendant #1
Sheldon Fogel
The Official (uncredited)
Steve Greenberg
Reporter (uncredited)
Dana Cox
Paramedic (uncredited)
Tony Griffin
Dana Mackey
James W. Gavin

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