Comedy Romance Drama
On the first day at his new school, Cameron instantly falls for Bianca, the gorgeous girl of his dreams. The only problem is that Bianca is forbidden to date until her ill-tempered, completely un-dateable older sister Kat goes out, too. In an attempt to solve his problem, Cameron singles out the only guy who could possibly be a match for Kat: a mysterious bad boy with a nasty reputation of his own.
Directed by
Gil Junger
Written by
Kirsten Smith, Karen McCullah
Joseph Gordon-Levitt
Cameron James
David Krumholtz
Michael Eckman
Gabrielle Union
Julia Stiles
Katarina Stratford
Bianca Kajlich
Coffee Girl
Heath Ledger
Patrick Verona
Larisa Oleynik
Bianca Stratford
Allison Janney
Ms. Perky
Jelani Quinn
Crying Loser
Andrew Keegan
Joey Donner
Larry Miller
Walter Stratford
Aaron Therol
Detention Student
Daryl Mitchell
Mr. Morgan
Susan May Pratt
David Leisure
Mr. Chapin
Kyle Cease
Bogey Lowenstien
Eric Riedmann
Audio Visual Guy
Laura Kenny
Kay Hanley
Letters To Cleo Singer
Monique Powell
Save Ferris Singer
Carlos Lacámara
Aidan Kennedy
Laughing Loser
Brian Mashburn
Save Ferris Singer
Ari Karczag
Kissing Guy
Greg Jackson
Terence Heuston
Cameron Fraser
Quinn Maixner
Beautiful Jock
Demegio Kimbrough
Coffee Kid
Todd Butler
Coffee Kid
Dennis Mosley
Nick Vukelic
Drugged Out Loser
Ben Laurance
Wimpy Loser
Jesse Dyer
Screaming Loser
Heather Taylor
Drunken Girl
Joshua Thorpe
J.R. Johnson
MBA Guy at Party
Wendy Gottlieb
Brian Hood
Travis Muller
Alice Evans
Perky Girl
Jesper Inglis
Buckaroo Bartender
Nick Brown
Michael Eisenstein
Letters To Cleo Singer

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