Comedy Animation Adventure Drama
Even when you're fortunate enough to live in a place as beautiful as the country village of Asahigaoka, you should never turn down the chance to explore someplace else. So, when Suguru wins a free trip to Okinawa just as the summer vacation is coming to an end, the town's entire school… all 5 students and 1 teacher, plus the local candy shop owner… can hardly wait for their 3-day trip to begin! Between kayaking, swimming and meeting new people, there's always something fun happening, but the best part of all is that big city girl Hotaru and her new small-town friends all get to explore the wonders of Japan's famous vacation destination together. Prepare for the perfect trip as the whole gang boards the plane!
Directed by
Shinya Kawatsura
Kana Asumi
Komari 'Koma-chan' Koshigaya (voice)
Misato Fukuen
Hikage 'Hika-nee' Miyauchi (voice)
Kaori Nazuka
Kazuho 'Kazu-nee' Miyauchi (voice)
Kotori Koiwai
Renge 'Ren-chon' Miyauchi (voice)
Ayane Sakura
Natsumi 'Nattsun' Koshigaya (voice)
Shino Shimoji
Aoi Niizato (voice)
Rie Murakawa
Hotaru 'Hotarun' Ichijou (voice)
Yuu Ayase
Lottery Stand Clerk (voice)
Emi Shinohara
Aoi's Mother (voice)
Takayuki Ishii
Snorkel Instructor (voice)
Rina Sato
Kaede 'Candy Store' Kagayama (voice)
Akiko Hiramatsu
Yukiko Koshigaya (voice)
Asaka Imai
Kayak Instructor (voice)
Ryoko Shintani
Konomi Fujimiya (voice)

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