Drama Thriller
A star athlete and top student, Luce's idealized image is challenged by one of his teachers when his unsettling views on political violence come to light, putting a strain on family bonds while igniting intense debates on race and identity.
Directed by
Julius Onah
Naomi Watts
Amy Edgar
Tim Roth
Peter Edgar
Octavia Spencer
Harriet Wilson
Andrea Bang
Stephanie Kim
Amanda Troya
Kelly Martinez
Colton Osorio
Little Boy
Meredith Holzman
DeShaun Meeks
Kelvin Harrison Jr.
Luce Edgar
Omar Brunson
Corey Johnson
Noah Gaynor
Kenny Orlicki
Liza J. Bennett
Ian Unterman
Other Man
Gibson Frazier
Rachel Wenitsky
Marsha Stephanie Blake
Rosemary Wilson
Christopher Mann
Coach Reeves
Souléymane Sy Savané
West African Man
Norbert Leo Butz
Dan Towson
Hannah Cabell
Lena Tennyson
Samantha Posey
Zoe Whitford
Female Student

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