Drama Comedy Crime
This gangster comedy chronicles the White Tiger Family of Jeolla Province. Hong Deok-ja, head of the crime family, quits the syndicate to open a kimchi business after her son marries a prosecutor. She is pulled back into the crime family when the familiar member of the rival Axe Gang is released from prison and seeks revenge upon the White Tiger Family.
Directed by
Jeong Yong-ki
Written by
Jeong Yong-ki, Kim Yeong-chan
Kim Won-hee
Kim Jin-kyung
Tak Jae-hoon
Jang Seok-jae
Kim Soo-mi
Hong Deok-ja
Jeong Jun-ha
Na Jong-myeon
Gong Hyung-jin
Bong Myung-pil
Shin Hyun-joon
Jang In-jae
Jang Hee-jin
Lim Hyung-jun
Jang Kyung-jae
Shin Yi
Oh Soon-nam
Kim Hae-gon
Yoon Do-shik
Kim Yong-geon
Boss Jang

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