Drama Romance
After indulging in an affair with a man (a friend of the family) she truly loves, a woman returns to her young son and husband for good, and loses contact with the man. Her husband is unaware of the affair. Twenty years later, there is news that the friend has died and left all of his money to the younger son in the family, which leads us to question this younger son's biological origin.
Directed by
Luis Buñuel
Rosario Granados
Joaquín Cordero
Julio Villarreal
Don Carlos Montero
Miguel Manzano
Tito Junco
Julio Mistral
Eva Calvo
Rita, enfermera
Inés Murillo
Chole (uncredited)
Xavier Loyá
Roberto Meyer
Don Nicolás Palafox (uncredited)
Elda Peralta
Jaime Calpe
Ricardo Adalid
Cliente de Carlos (uncredited)
Daniel Arroyo
Invitado a fiesta (uncredited)
Rodolfo Calvo
Don Feliciano (uncredited)
Ángel Infante
González (uncredited)
Blanca Marroquín
Sirvienta (uncredited)
Humberto Rodríguez
Empleado de don Carlos (uncredited)

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