Crime Drama Mystery
Ten strangers are summoned to a remote island and while they are waiting for the mysterious host to appear, a recording levels serious accusations at each of the guests. Soon they start being murdered, one by one. As the survivors try to keep their wits, they reach a disturbing conclusion: one of them must be the killer.
Directed by
René Clair
Queenie Leonard
Ethel Rogers
Walter Huston
Edward Armstrong
Barry Fitzgerald
Francis Quinncannon
Mischa Auer
Nikita "Nikki" Starloff
Judith Anderson
Emily Brent
June Duprez
Vera Claythorne
Richard Haydn
Thomas Rogers
Roland Young
William Blore
Louis Hayward
Philip Lombard
C. Aubrey Smith
John Mandrake
Harry Thurston
Fred Narracott

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