Crime Drama Mystery
Ten people are invited to a hotel in the Iranian desert, only to find that an unseen person is killing them one by one. Could one of them be the killer?
Directed by
Peter Collinson
Written by
Erich Kröhnke, Enrique Llovet, Harry Alan Towers
Elke Sommer
Vera Clyde
Oliver Reed
Hugh Lombard
Richard Attenborough
Judge Arthur Cannon
Herbert Lom
Dr. Edward Armstrong
Stéphane Audran
Ilona Morgan
Adolfo Celi
General André Salvé
Gert Fröbe
Wilhelm Blore
Charles Aznavour
Michel Raven
Rik Battaglia
Rick Battaglia/Vendedor
Maria Rohm
Elsa Martino
Teresa Gimpera
Alberto de Mendoza
Otto Martino
Naser Malek Motiee
Inspector's Girlfriend

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