Drama Romance Comedy
Aimless young Alexandre juggles his relationships with his girlfriend, Marie, and a casual lover named Veronika. Marie becomes increasingly jealous of Alexandre's fling with Veronika and as the trio continues their unsustainable affair, the emotional stakes get higher, leading to conflict and unhappiness.
Directed by
Jean Eustache
Written by
Jean Eustache
Jean-Pierre Léaud
Bernadette Lafont
Françoise Lebrun
Geneviève Mnich
Veronika's Friend
Caroline Loeb
A young girl reading the newspaper on the terrace (uncredited)
Isabelle Weingarten
Claude Bertrand
Noël Simsolo
Café de Flore's Customer (uncredited)
Jean Douchet
Café de Flore's Customer (uncredited)
Berthe Granval
Marie's Friend
Jean-Noël Picq
Offenbach's Fan
Jessa Darrieux
The friend with the injured hand
Marinka Matuszewski
Bernard Eisenschitz
Café de Flore's Customer (uncredited)

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