Animation Action Horror Fantasy
Legend has it that the human race is not the only dominant civilization living on Earth. Two other races exist in this world: the Makai (a demon race) and the Jujinkai (a half-man, half-beast race). Once every 3,000 years, a supreme being known as the "Choujin" (Overfiend) will emerge and bring balance to all three realms on Earth. In present-day Japan, after 300 years of endless searching, a Jujinkai named Amano Jyaku has discovered the presence of the Choujin inside high school slacker Tatsuo Nagumo. But now, Amano, along with his sister Megumi and their sidekick Kuroko must protect Nagumo and his new girlfriend Akemi Ito from the Makai, who believe that Nagumo is not the Choujin, but an evil entity bent on destroying all living beings on Earth.
Directed by
Hideki Takayama
Written by
Toshio Maeda
Koichi Yamadera
Yuichi Niki (voice)
Daisuke Gori
Great Elder/Mr. Niki (voice)
Kenyu Horiuchi
Yoriichi Ozaki (voice)
Nobuo Tobita
Jujin (voice)
Hirotaka Suzuoki
Tatsuo Nagumo (voice)
Yoko Asagami
Akemi Ito (voice)
Norio Wakamoto
Suikakuju (voice)
Shigeru Nakahara
Basketball Club (voice)
Kenichi Ono
Majin (voice)
Maya Okamoto
Megumi Amano (voice)
Koji Totani
Majin (voice)
Tomohiro Nishimura
Amano Jaku (voice)
Shinji Ogawa
Narration (voice)
Yumi Takada
Nurse (voice)
Hidetoshi Nakamura
Doctor (vocie)
Minako Arakawa
Girl (voice)
Mizuka Arima
Ms. Togami (voice)
Tsutomu Kashiwakura
Kuroko (voice)
Kyounosuke Hiruma
Suikakujū (voice)
Miyuki Matsushita
True Chōjin (voice)
Narumi Tsunoda
Girl (voice)
Natsumi Sasaki
Girl (voice)
Satoko Kitô
Leotard Girl (vocie)

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