Adventure Animation Family Fantasy
When the eternally optimistic Poppy, queen of the Trolls, learns that the Bergens no longer have any holidays on their calendar, she enlists the help of Branch and the rest of the gang on a delightfully quirky mission to fix something that the Bergens don't think is broken.
Directed by
Joel Crawford
Written by
Josh Bycel, Jonathan Fener
Anna Kendrick
Poppy (voice)
Zooey Deschanel
Bridget (voice)
Justin Timberlake
Branch (voice)
Kevin Michael Richardson
Mr. Dinkles (voice)
Kunal Nayyar
Guy Diamond (voice)
Ron Funches
Cooper (voice)
Walt Dohrn
Cloud Guy / Smidge / Spider (voice)
Christopher Mintz-Plasse
King Gristle (voice)
James Corden
Biggie (voice)
Aino Jawo
Satin (voice)
Curtis Stone
Todd (voice)
Caroline Hjelt
Chenille (voice)

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