Action Drama
A young man (Bruce Li) unwittingly gets wrapped up in a money scam. When he refuses to give the cash back, the bad guys kidnap his girlfriend and hold her hostage in the Tower Of Death. Once there, he is given two options. Watch his girlfriend get thrown off the top or fight various martial artists on 7 different levels to win his girlfriend back.
Directed by
Lin Bing
Written by
Lin Bing
Lung Fei
Manager K
Wong Hoi
Ho Tsung-Tao
Lee Hon Hung
Tsai Hung
Nunchaku fighter
Shan Mao
Pole fighter
Shih Yin-Yin
Mang Ping
Wei Hung-Sheng
Wang Ching-Ping
Lee Keung
Samurai swordsman
Ma Cheung
Donald Arthur

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