Animation Adventure Action Family Fantasy Sci-Fi
The world has begun to collapse. The rampaging Meicoomon absorbs Tailmon, who underwent a dark evolution, and changes form into the immensely powerful Ordinemon. In accordance with Yggdrasil's expectation, the real world is about to be engulfed by the Digital World. Meanwhile, Homeostasis considers Ordinemon to be out of control and puts into motion its final plan that will entangle the real world. Then the time comes for the DigiDestined to arrive at a final decision. What future do they choose for themselves?
Directed by
Keitaro Motonaga
Natsuki Hanae
Taichi Yagami (voice)
Yoshimasa Hosoya
Yamato 'Matt' Ishida (voice)
Mao Ichimichi
Hikari Yagami (voice)
Mutsumi Tamura
Koushiro 'Izzy' Izumi (voice)
Suzuko Mimori
Sora Takenouchi (voice)
Junya Enoki
Takeru 'T.K.' Takaishi (voice)
Junya Ikeda
Joe Kido (voice)
Hitomi Yoshida
Mimi Tachikawa (voice)

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