Comedy Drama
Miss Dove is a prim New England school teacher who is treasured by her students in the small town of Liberty Hill. When she falls ill, a kindly doctor, who is a former student of Miss Dove's, comes to her aid. As many of her pupils, present and past, come to see her in the hospital, they reveal how Miss Dove has greatly impacted their lives over the years. These visitors include a police officer, a playwright, a banker, a convict, and an unmarried mother.
Directed by
Henry Koster
Robert Stack
Dr. Tommy Baker
Chuck Connors
Bill Holloway
Kipp Hamilton
Virginia Baker
Mary Wickes
Miss Lorraine Ellwood
Robert Douglas
John Porter
Richard Deacon
Mr. Spivvy (uncredited)
Jerry Paris
Maurice Levine
Virginia Christine
Mrs. Rigsbee (uncredited)
Cindy Carol
School Girl
Jennifer Jones
Miss Dove
Biff Elliot
Reverend Alex Burnham
Brian G. Hutton
Leslie Bradley
Alonso Dove (uncredited)
Marshall Thompson
Wilfred Banning Pendleton III
Peggy Knudsen
Billie Jean Green
Joanne Gilbert
School Girl
Janet Brandt
Mrs. Levine (uncredited)
Mina Cunard
Mrs. Aldredge (uncredited)
Steven Benson
Jean Inness
Night Nurse
Robert Lynn
Dr. Hurley
Pamela Baird
School Girl (uncredited)
Virginia Carroll
Ann (uncredited)
Helen Dickson
Townswoman at Bank (uncredited)
Cheryl Callaway
Annabell (uncredited)
Sam Harris
Man at Graduation (uncredited)
Alfred Caiazza

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