Animation Adventure Family TV Movie
A ceramic figure of a blue mouse with long ears, stubby legs, and no tail suddenly comes to life. He is a “Manxmouse” as known in the legend. Since he is new to this world, his fearless curiosity leads him to meet a frog couple, an aviator hawk, a stray tiger, and a girl. Although he learns about his ultimate fate-to be eaten by a “Manxcat”-he decides to face this cat and challenge his destiny.
Directed by
Hiroshi Saito
Kazuhiko Inoue
Masako Nozawa
Harrison G. Tondemonezumi
Ryūji Saikachi
Old Man Maiya
Kazuo Kumakura
Tondemo Neko
Koji Ishizaka
Ichiro Nagai
Banjo Ginga
Father Mouse
Kazuko Sugiyama
Shoko Nakagawa

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