Comedy Romance
1951: Andy Schmidt is in his last year of college. Taking life easy and always a saucy joke on his lips, he manages to win fellow student Mary's heart, although she's already otherwise engaged. But getting a job after college turns out much harder than expected; most directors take offense at his free interpretation of his roles. Desperate, he tries in wrestling. To avoid getting beaten up he stages the fights - and incidentally invents show-wrestling.
Directed by
Carl Reiner
Written by
Steve Gordon
Henry Winkler
Andy Schmidt
William Daniels
Mr. Crawford
Kim Darby
Mary Crawford
Roddy Piper
Leatherneck Joe Brady (uncredited)
Ed Begley Jr.
Arnold - The King
Peter Brocco
Autograph Hound
Polly Holliday
Mrs. Crawford
Brandon Cruz
Mary Woronov
Carl Reiner
Theater Director (uncredited)
Harold Gould
Hector Moses
Hervé Villechaize
Milton Miller
Gene LeBell
Reigning World Wrestling Champion (uncredited)
Amzie Strickland
House Mother
Lucy Lee Flippin
Agatha Franklen
Bill Baldwin
Announcer in Des Moines
Ralph Manza
Will Seltzer
Charles Frank
Paul Harris
H.B. Haggerty
Captain Nemo
Ken Olfson
Mr. Arnold
Salvador Guerrero III
Indian Joe
Anthony Battaglia
Little Andy
Dennis James
Jean Le Bouvier
Wrestling Fanatic
Jack Scalici

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