Drama TV Movie
After a brutal nighttime attack on a woman alone in her suburban home, police investigators zero in on teenager Eric Sutter. When the victim identifies Sutter as her attacker, the legal system closes in on the boy as friends, neighbors and the media turn against him. Only through the dogged determination of his mother, and her loyal boyfriend does Eric and the victim have a chance for justice to be served.
Directed by
Larry Elikann
Matt McCoy
David Harbin
Michelle Williams
Carmen Argenziano
Detective Carver
Barry Corbin
Dan Pendleton
Jamie Rose
Joann Brodsky
James Sloyan
Niles Brokaw
Marilu Henner
Margaret Sutter
Gregg Henry
Francesca Jarvis
Mrs. Anderson
Corbin Allred
First Kid
Nick Stahl
Eric Sutter
Dana Daurey
Young Waitress
Lisa Banes
Lisa Eubanks
Gary Clarke
Hearing Judge
John O'Hurley
Sherman Augustus
Detective Mendoza
Michael Greene
Barbara Glover
Arraignment Judge
Charles Kahlenberg
Trial Judge
Cynthia Jordan
Female Customer
Dana Reilly
Woman Neighbor
Michael O'Guinne
Mr. Thompson
Mark DeMichele
Polygraph Operator
Ginny Harman
Liz Romero
Elizabeth Carney
David Jean Thomas
Josef Rainer
Smalltown Sergeant
Al Feinberg
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