Drama TV Movie
End of the 1970s in East Germany: Fred and Jonas are close friends. The 10-year-olds live near at the German-German frontier. After the mother from Jonas has made an exit application, the boys have to recognize that they are soon separated from each other. But they want to dig a tunnel to Australia to meet there themselves again. When Jonas should leave the country with his mother this night changes everything.
Directed by
Dirk Kummer
Written by
Dirk Kummer, Bert Koß
Christian Friedel
Günter Ernst
Justin Svoboda
Pauletta Pollmann
Ramona Ernst
Hermann Beyer
Tilman Döbler
Fred Ernst
Deborah Kaufmann
Olivia Gramowski
Valentin Wessely
Jonas Gramowski
Roland Florstedt
Katharina M. Schubert
Michaela Ernst
Thomas Stecher
Rosa Enskat
Frau Knebelmann
Carmen-Maja Antoni
Frau Neumann
Jan Mazák
Gwendolyn Göbel
Thomas Poltmann
Herr Lutz
Filip Sychra

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