Romance Comedy
Billy Duncan (Robert Krantz) is a dance instructor who has fallen on hard times. After a misstep with the law, a judge sentences him to serve 500 hours of community service. His assignment? Giving dance lessons to the Yiayias and Papous at a local Greek Orthodox Church. Soon Billy, the "xeno", finds himself falling in love with Alexia Constarakis (Patricia Skeriotis) the daughter of a wealthy parishioner, and with the help of Father Chris (Robert Costanzo), the Church's off-beat, charismatic Priest, Billy is inspired into teaching dance again, and taking a chance on love.
Directed by
Michael A. Nickles
Written by
Robert Krantz
Robert Costanzo
Fr. Chris
Robert Krantz
Billy Duncan
Patricia Skeriotis
Laura Whyte
Mrs. Constarakis
William Zane
Mr. Halikas

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