Drama Comedy Family
After losing their father in the Boer War, orphaned brothers Harry and Davy must leave their home in Scotland to live with their grandmother and cantankerous grandfather in Nova Scotia. The boys want nothing more than a pet dog, but their grandfather refuses to get them one. Then, when the brothers find an abandoned baby, they decide to keep it – but the foundling may not have been abandoned after all.
Directed by
Philip Leacock
Theodore Bikel
Dr. Willem Bloem
Adrienne Corri
Christopher Beeny
Jan Hooft Jr.
Jean Anderson
Grandma MacKenzie
Francis de Wolff
Jan Hooft Sr.
Duncan Macrae
Jim MacKenzie
Jon Whiteley
Jack Stewart
Jameson Clark
Tom Cameron
Vincent Winter
James Sutherland
Arron McNab
John Rae
Andrew McCleod
Eric Woodburn
Sam Howie
Howard Connell
Archibald Jenkins
Anthony Michael Heathcoat
Baby Girl (uncredited)

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