Animation Adventure Family
The troll prince Trym has only two days to save his father, King Grom, who has turned to stone and had his tail stolen by the evil presence in the forest.
Directed by
Kevin Munroe
Written by
Paul Gerstenberger, Johnny Carlsen, Jonny Westernes, John May, Jørn Kolsrud, Suzanne Bolch, Kristian Kamp, Kevin Munroe, Daxing Zhang
Daxing Zhang
Mark Camacho
Grimmer's Dad, Limping Lars (voice)
Wyatt Bowen
Jan (voice)
Elana Dunkelman
Trianna 2 (voice)
Rick Jones
Halfstone / Jin / Mort (voice)
Sonja Ball
Mother Sheriff, Queen Guld (voice)
Angela Galuppo
Freia (voice)
Richard Dumont
King Grom (voice)
Stefan Gauthier
Lucas (voice)
Adam Nethercott
Trym (voice)
Terrence Scammell
Grimmer (voice)
Shane P. Zhang
Grandfather Huang (voice)

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