Crime Drama
In the 1930s, bored waitress Bonnie Parker falls in love with an ex-con named Clyde Barrow and together they start a violent crime spree through the country, stealing cars and robbing banks.
Directed by
Arthur Penn
Written by
Robert Benton, David Newman
Gene Hackman
Buck Barrow
Denver Pyle
Frank Hamer
Faye Dunaway
Bonnie Parker
Dub Taylor
Ivan Moss
Morgan Fairchild
Estelle Parsons
Gene Wilder
Eugene Grizzard
Warren Beatty
Clyde Barrow
Evans Evans
Velma Davis
Michael J. Pollard
C. W. Moss
Patrick Cranshaw
Bank Teller (uncredited)
Ken Mayer
Sheriff Smoot (uncredited)
Owen Bush
Policeman (uncredited)
Dale Van Sickel
Mabel Cavitt
Bonnie's mother (uncredited)
Clyde Howdy
Deputy (uncredited)
Ann Palmer
Bonnie's Sister (uncredited)
Bennie E. Dobbins
Bob Harris
Lucky Mosley
George Sawaya

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