Animation Family
When young Mariah sees a darling little puppy named "Princess" at the pet store, she suddenly knows exactly what she wants for Christmas. But before her Christmas wish can come true, she must prove that she can dog-sit her uncle's dog, Jack, a scraggly rascal; in fact, the worst dog in the county!
Directed by
Guy Vasilovich
Written by
Temple Mathews
Lacey Chabert
Penelope (voice)
Henry Winkler
Grandpa Bill (voice)
Mariah Carey
Older Mariah (voice)
Keiko Agena
Emiko (voice)
Phil Morris
Bud (voice)
Breanna Yde
Mariah (voice)
Laya DeLeon Hayes
Vicky (voice)
Montse Hernandez
Grace (voice)
Julian Zane
Ernesto (voice)
Bria Danielle Singleton
Beth (voice) (as Bria Singleton)

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