Comedy Drama
Jo's world is thrown into utter disarray when her wife Amanda passes away and she starts chasing a dream that she and Amanda had once shared - starting a family together. Jo asks her late wife's brother, Jamie, to be her sperm donor and craziness ensues.
Directed by
Heather de Michele
Written by
Gretchen M. Michelfeld
Annie Potts
Dr. Laura Berg
Bryan Dechart
Pierce Pope
Playground Kid
Raoul Bhaneja
Peter Maloney
Jo's Dad
Beth Robbins
Karen Wexler
Karis Campbell
Emily Bell
Laura Heisler
Tish Arana
Gallery Patron
Elizabeth Herring
Anna Fitzwater
Lee Fobert
Hetero Bar Patron
Vivi Nadine
Playground Kid
Margeaux Reign
Playground Kid
Lauren Armstrong
Hetero Bartender
Ava Harris
Playground Kid
Angie Bray
Amanda's Mother
Steve Bray
Amanda's Father
T. Tara Turk
Gallery Patron
Stacie Wengryn
Gallery Patron
Daniel Hoerner
Gallery Patron
Stephen Dewitt
Gallery Patron
Vee Kumari
Gallery Patron
Tanya R. Barnes

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