Adventure TV Movie
American students are having a difficult time at a prestigious English riding school. Dinah Wilcox is overly cautious because of memories of an accident, but Danny Grant gives her confidence. The strict, but admired, instructor fears she must sell her favorite horse because of school tradition, but the students end up taking up a collection to buy it back for her.
Directed by
William Fairchild
Written by
William Fairchild, Ted Willis
Millicent Martin
Donald Pleasence
Captain Pinski
John Fraser
David Lawford
Tony Britton
Jean Marsh
Colin Gordon
Mr. Ffolliott
Annette Funicello
Dinah Wilcox
Anthony Nicholls
Hardy Cole
Janet Munro
Janet Hale
Tommy Kirk
Danny Grant
Penelope Horner
Harry Lockart
Vincenzo Lalli

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