Comedy Horror
Seven years after the massacre of the first film, the survivors Niandra and Eliseu still fear the return of Geison, the terrible psychopath who mutilated his friends on a Friday the 13th. New murders start happening in the small town of Carlos Barbosa, putting a new generation of victims as targets of the killer. But who is behind that "Scream" mask?
Directed by
Felipe M. Guerra
Diego Guerra
Ido (archive footage)
Niandra Sartori
Rodrigo Guerra
Kiko Berwanger
Dr. Lumis
Leandro Facchini
Niandra's Bodyguard
Oldina Cerutti do Monte
Mrs. Pamela
Kasha Lee
Fábio Prina Da Silva
Geison (archive footage)
Tomás Zilli
Tomás (archive footage)
Cintia Dalposso
Cintia (archive footage)

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