Action Drama Adventure Romance
The events revolve around three eras: the Pharaonic era, the Mamluk era, and the first half of the 20th century. The events revolve around corruption and the power of some clerics over the ages to power and false and bad dealings with the people, and how to involve religion in politics in order to obtain positions. That there are clerics deliberately coloring and counterfeiting in this period of time to be the strongest and maintain their positions.
Directed by
Sherif Arafa
Written by
Abdul Rahim Kamal
Hend Sabry
Mohamed Ramadan
Ahmad Seyam
Ahmed Amin
Amina Khalil
Ahmed Rizq
Mahmoud ElLozy
Mohey Ismail
Maher Selim
Sawsan Badr
Ahmed Hatem
Abdelaziz Makhyoun
Mohamed Saad
Lobna Mahmoud
Hani Adel
Gamil Barsoum
Tamim Abdo
El Shahat Mabrouk
Ramzy Lehner
Abbas Abu Elhassan
Muhammad Mahmoud Abdulaziz
Haitham Ahmed Zaki
Abeer Farouq
Mohamed AlSonii
Ahmed Abdel Salam
Walid Ezzat
Salim Seliman
Sayed Salah
Yasser ElAssiouty

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