Drama Romance
Samson, a cheeky 15-year-old boy, and Delilah, live in an isolated Aboriginal community in the Central Australian desert. The two teenagers soon discover that life outside the community can be cruel. Lost, unwanted and alone they discover that life isn’t always fair, but love never judges.
Directed by
Warwick Thornton
Written by
Warwick Thornton
Rowan McNamara
Marissa Gibson
Mitjili Napanangka Gibson
Scott Thornton
Matthew Gibson
Samson's Brother / Verandah Band
Peter Bartlett
Store Manager
Noreen Robertson Nampijinpa
Community Lady
Kenrick Martin
Wheelchair Boy
Audrey Martin
Payback Auntie
Fiona Gibson
Payback Aunty
Morgaine Wallace
Checkout Lady
Tony 'Brownie' Brown
Security Guard
Patricia Shelper
Art Store Lady
Alfreda Glynn
Art Store Costumer
Rona McDonald
Teenage Girl
Jessica Sanderson
Teenage Girl
Tyrone Wallace
Patricia Rigby
Ricardo del Rio
David Page
Kenny - Green Bush Show
Pascoe Braun
Country Radio ID (voice)
Steven Brown
Verandah Band
Gregwyn Gibson
Verandah Band

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