Mystery Thriller Comedy Romance
On the eve of World War II, zany heiress Amanda Kelly travels by train to Switzerland. While passing through Germany, she meets a sweet elderly lady, who suddenly vanishes. Distraught, she questions her fellow passengers who claim that the woman was never there. Unsure if it's all in her mind or if there's a more sinister plot afoot, Amanda teams up with photographer Robert Condon to discover the truth.
Directed by
Anthony Page
Angela Lansbury
Miss Froy
Arthur Lowe
Jeremy Charters
Elliott Gould
Robert Condon
Cybill Shepherd
Amanda Kelly
Vladek Sheybal
Herbert Lom
Dr. Egon Hartz
Jean Anderson
Ian Carmichael
Jeremy Bulloch
Party Guest
William Hootkins
Party Guest
Rosalind Knight
Evelyn Barnes
Jenny Runacre
Mrs. Todhunter
Wolf Kahler
Gerald Harper
Madlena Nedeva
Madge Ryan
Rose Flood Porter
Gary McDermott
Baroness' Servant
Barbara Markham
Frau Kummer
Jonathan Hackett
Dining Car Waiter
Jacki Harding
Baroness's Maid

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