The Mozart Residence is home to several "new owners" of all origins: a new concierge, Paco, of Spanish origin, who has just been released from prison, arrives at the residence. Around it, the hall and the mailboxes, the "ballet" of the Residence Mozart is organized.
Directed by
Malik Chibane
Written by
Malik Chibane, Jackie Berroyer
Gwendoline Hamon
Alice Loïc
Frédéric Diefenthal
Paco Garcia
Mohamed Fellag
Jackie Berroyer
Monsieur Gonzalés
Madame Gonzalés
Candice Berner
Madame Macer
Nora Armani
Mme Diril
Insa Sané
Moussa Diop
Hakim Sahraoui
Monsieur Macer
Nisan Doman
Mr Diril
Rajkumar Bhan
Mr Malik

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