Action Adventure Family Fantasy
Sadko is based on an opera by Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov, which was based on a Russian epic tale of the same name. In the old Russian city of Novgorod, the merchants are feasting in a gorgeous palace and Sadko is bragging that he can bring to their land a sweet-voiced bird of happiness. They laugh at him, but he is offered help by the Ocean King's daughter, who is mesmerized by Sadko's singing and is in love with him. The hero is destined to visit many lands in his search of the bird. First shown in the USA in 1953 with English subtitles. This entry is for 1962 English-dub by Roger Corman's Filmgroup, which runs about 8 minutes shorter (removes much of the music) than the Russian original (see, Sadko, 1953)
Directed by
Aleksandr Ptushko
Written by
Konstantin Isayev
Nadir Malishevsky
Vyashta the Giant
Sergei Martinson
The Monk
Yuri Leonidov
Kuzma Larionovich
Mikhail Troyanovsky
Alla Larionova
Sergei Stolyarov
Sadko [Sinbad in dubbed version]
Nikolay Kryuchkov
Omelyan Danilovich
Mikhail Astangov
Lidiya Vertinskaya
The Phoenix
Lev Fenin
Varangian Leader
Ninel Myshkova
Princess of Lake Ilmen
Ivan Pereverzev
Timofey Larionovich
Stepan Kayukov
Olga Viklandt
B. Surovtsev
Hadabad, the boy

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